Thursday, December 14, 2017

Last Week of School Before Break!

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Holiday Happenings!

I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day on Monday! I know I did :) I wanted to fill you in on what's happening during our last week of school!
Monday: Monday will be a normal school day!
Tuesday: Tuesday is early release! We will start dismissal at 12:00. Tuesday is also First Grades Holiday Happenings! A paper went home in your child's folder on Wednesday. We start at 8:45 and go until 9:55. You are more than welcome to stay with your child for lunch! I hope you can all join us!
Wednesday: Wednesday is also early release! We will start dismissal at 12:00. Wednesday is also Pajama Day! Your child may wear their pajamas and we will be watching The Polar Express and enjoying some warm hot chocolate! 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Holiday Craziness!

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Hello, hello everyone! I can't believe we only have 11 days of school left! The end of the year is quickly approaching which means report cards and mid year assessments are right around the corner! 
Please try your hardest to keep getting your child here on time and well fed by either you or the cafeteria :)
We have a few exciting things coming up in the next two weeks so be on the lookout for important papers in your child's folder. I hope that you enjoy this season with your families and that I get to see your smiling faces before the year is over!

Free Summer Reading!!

READ BELOW FOR FREE SUMMER READING OPPORTUNITIES!! :) Through a partnership between Get Georgia Reading – Campaign for Grade-Level...