Hi everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, time has just gotten away from me!
We've had quite the busy month here in 1st grade! From parent-teacher conferences to learning almost everything under the sun, I feel like we haven't slowed down! Everyone always says, up until Thanksgiving we're going full speed ahead but I wouldn't have it any other way!
First off, I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for taking the time to meet with me during conferences. I am sure you all have crazy busy schedules so I cannot thank you enough for working with me :) During conferences we were only early release schedule but we are now back on regular dismissal if you needed a reminder!
Picture Make-up Day is on October 27th, so if your child missed pictures the first go around, make sure they are ready for pictures this Friday October, 27th!
We have our field trip to Big Spring Farms this Wednesday October 25th! I am so excited and I know your kiddos are too! They can wear jeans on Wednesday as we are going to a farm so I don't want them to wear their nice uniform clothes! The high is 59 on Wednesday so please please send your child with a jacket since we will be outside for most of the day :) Please don't send you child with a lunch, we will all be eating sack lunches from the cafeteria at the farm!
As October rounds down and November is upon us, I want to remind you of how important this time is in your child's life. They are like sponges and are soaking up anything and everything that they can. Please continue working with them on their sight words at home, helping with homework (if needed and if time permits), and instilling in your child the importance of school. This year has been crazy but wonderful so far and I am sure it will only continue to get better!
Look for more updates soon, I promise I won't be away from you this long again! :)